Koliko vas je želelo da čita tuđe e-mailove?

Da li želite da imate tu mogućnost, a da pri tome budete neprimećeni?

Evo malo da se zabavite!

To crack any Hotmail password, in an easy and safe way you need to have an Hotmail account and to do exactly what follows:
From your Hotmail mailbox send an e-mail to this address (this is not an Hotmail userbut a mail server) :
In the subject space, write :
Password request usan ref. US85965/1
In the first line of the text, write:
Password request usan ref. US85965/1
In the second line, write your real Hotmail address, this way:
where xxxxx will be your username (e.g. john@hotmail.com)
In the third line, write your real Hotmail secret password, without other words:
Then, let the 4th line empty, and in the 5th, write the Hotmail address you want to “crack”, this way:
<<request = zzzzz>>
Where “zzzzz” is the username of the mail you want to crack.
Send the mail.

In a few moment, believing that you are a member of Hotmail staff, the server will control your Hotmail address and password and, if they are correct and real, it will send to you the password of the mailbox you requested!

Works great, it’s a simple security system!!
E pa hakeri, izvol'te uputstvo.

A sad ozbiljno: ako ste mislili da sve ide ovako lako, onda stavite prst na čelo i pažljivo pročitajte sve ispočetka. I šta ste zaključili?

Ko je skontao "prevaru" - svaka čast. Ko nije - evo objašnjenja: ljudi, ako ovo uradite, jedina osoba koja će biti "hakovana" je niko drugi nego vi sami! Kako? Vrlo jednostavno! Poslaćete dva reda gluposti, a posle toga ono najvažnije - vaš username i password. Jer, "server_code112@hotmail.com" je ništa drugo do e-mail adresa osobe koja želi da vam pročita mailove.

Pazite se ovakvih stvari.