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Tema: Apocalyptica

  1. #1



    visnja i eicca na EXIT-u 2006.

    Apocalyptica... jedan od najboljih metal bendova, ili je mozda rec o klasici...prosudite sami. Ne bih sada zamarala njihovim biografskim podacima, verujem da vecinu i sami znate. Fantasticni koncerti, koji vas ne mogu ostaviti ravnodusnim, sjajne pesme... sve je to doprinelo njihovoj sve vecoj popularnosti. Neki su ih proglasili cak i mainstream bendom. Prosle godine su svirali na Exitu. Nazalost, shvatila sam da mnogi nasi ljudi daleko od toga da su sazreli za takve koncerte,i publika,a i mediji, koji su potpuno neinformisani (mnogi novinari nisu znali ni imena ljudima iz benda sa kojima su radili intervju). Intervju koji sledi je malo kraci, ali, ipak, momci zamalo da zakasne na koncert. Osim toga, to je i, cini mi se, jedini ok intervju koji je Eicca tom prilikom dao (dok su ostali novinari pricali sa njim on je na svaka dva-tri minuta izlazio ). Ok, a sada procitajte sledece redove; ako vec ne slusate, obavezno pocnite da slusate ovaj bend, i ne propustite njihov koncert.

    Da li si nervozan na koncertu?

    Eicca: Ne.


    Eicca: Nikada.

    A na početku, kada ste tek počeli da svirate?

    Eicca: Daaa! I ranije, da. Narocito kada smo imali prvi veci nastup pred publikom, bili smo zaista nervozni jer zaista nismo znali kako će publika reagovati, hoce li nas ljudi gadjati flašama i sličnim stvarima. Ha ha ha. Naravno, postoji nešto specijalno, i imaš ograničeno vreme da se pripremiš, i, znaš, sve se uklopi...Ne znam, imali smo puno koncerata i stekli smo rutinu za to, i...

    Slusala sam vas pre dve godine u Budimpešti...

    Eicca: Na Metal maniji sa Rammstein-om?

    Ne, na Szigetu... i bilo je fenomenalno...

    Eicca: Hvala.

    Reci mi kako se osećaš tokom koncerta?

    Eicca: Vrlo različita osećanja. Ponekad mi je čak i dosadno. Ha ha ha! Ne, ne, to nije tačno.Ali...ne znam, sve zavisi od pesme koju sviraš...od trenutka... Sviramo vrlo razlišite pesme... neke su jako tužne, ili su emocionalne, neke su veoma mračne... ulazim u raspoloženje pesme. Ne obracam pažnju na samo izvodjenje, pokušavam da osetim pesmu, udjem u nju i tu nadjem motivaciju... zato i osećanja tokom koncerta jako variraju...ponekad su sasvim fina ponekad prepuna agresije. Emocije su poput voza u zabavnom parku koji ide gore - dole. Koncert je poput putovanja kroz mnoštvo različitih osećanja.

    Shvatam. Koja je tvoja omiljena pesma...i muzičar?

    Eicca: Hmm...Teško pitanje. Postoji mnogo različite muzike u svetu...

    U poslednje vreme...?

    Eicca: Rekao bih da moja omiljena muzika i dalje dolazi sa klasične strane. Dimitrij Šostaković je oduvek bio moj najdraži kompozitor. Njegova 11. simfonija. To mi se oduvek svidjalo. Najmračnije što je on napisao. Sto se toče rok scene...ne znam...volim Bjork, "Joga" sa albuma Homogenic. Naravno, ima ima mnogo dobrih metal stvari. Danas sam slušao u glavi, nažalost samo u glavi, 'Disciple', Slayer-ovu 'Disciple'...

    Oni sviraju za dva dana na Exitu.

    Eicca: Stvarno? O, shit! Prropustili smo ih! Ha ha ha.
    Čime bi se bavio da nisi muzičar?

    Eicca: Hmmm.

    Da nikada nisi svirao violončelo...

    Eicca: Mislim da bih radio nešto u vezi sa konjima, zato što sam ih oduvek voleo. Kada sam imao petnaestak godina voleo sam da idem na hipodrom. Mislio sam da će to biti moja buduća profesija, da podučavam jahanje ili...ne znam, nešto u vezi sa konjima. Mozda da vodim farmu sa svojim sinovima. Znam da zvuči čudno, ali... Ha ha ha!!!

    Ok. Šta je sa bendovima iz Finske? Da li se družiš sa nekima od njih?

    Eicca: Da, naravno.

    Sa kojima?

    Eicca: Mnogima od njih. Na primer HIM, The Rasmus, The 69 Eyes, Nightwish...Uglavnom poznajemo sve bendove, na neki način smo prijatelji. Sa nekim bendovima bliži, sa nekima ne nako bliski, ali znamo te ljude.

    Gde bi živeo kada ne bi živeo u Finskoj?

    Eicca: Voleo bih da živim u.... Norveškoj...

    Hladno je...

    Eicca:...Norveškoj ili Švedskoj. Ne znam zašto. Moji lični koreni su tako duboko u Finskoj prirodi, i možda mi se zato svidjaju zemlje sa sličnim pejzažima. Zato mi se te zemlje i čine najprijatnijima.

    Imaš li neku poruku za fanove iz Jugoslavije? Znam da ih ima puno.

    Eicca: Najpre... jako nam je žao zbog otkazanih koncerata u prošlosti...sramota nas je zbog toga...ali nažalost nije sve u našim rukama. Bend nešto ugovori, ali onda dodje neko i kaže: 'moraćemo da otkažemo ovo i ovo i uraditi ovo i ovo...'. Tako da, pre svega, jako nam je žao zbog svega toga i srećni smo što smo najzad ovde. Zato što je trebalo da dodjemo nekoliko puta... I radujemo se što ćemo najzad svirati ljudima u Srbiji ili Jugoslaviji? Kako je sada zovete - Srbija ili Jugoslavija?

    Ne znam tačno... Mislim da je Srbija... ali nisam sigurna...

    Eicca: Da... ha ha ha!

    Očekujemo dobar koncert. Ovde su ljudi toplog srca i veoma fini tako da bi trebalo da i njima i nama bude super.

    Misliš li da će koncert biti bolji od onog u Budimpešti, na Szigetu? Ili isti? Bice super i ako bude isti.

    Eicca: Teško je reći koji koncert je bolji, ali, ako ništa drugo, bend je bolji nego tada, tako da ipak mislim da će večeras biti bolje.

    Hoćete li večeras svirati 'Path'?

    Eicca: Da, počećemo tom pesmom.

    Eicca: Ha ha ha.

    Ok. To je to. Hvala ti.

    Eicca: Hvala tebi. Vidimo se.
    višnja // 21/03/2006

    PS: Intervju je vođen prilikom prošlogodišnjeg EXIT festivala
    __________________________________________________ ___
    3. juna 2006. na beogradskom "Tašmajdanu"
    __________________________________________________ ___
    Eicca Toppinen, Paavo Lotjonen, Perttu Kivilaakso

    bonus track Petrovaradinska tvrđava je 7. jula ove godine

  2. #2

    Odgovor: Apocalyptica

    Fade To Black

    Life it seems, will fade away
    Drifting further every day
    Getting lost within myself
    Nothing matters no one else
    I have lost the will to live
    Simply nothing more to give
    There is nothing more for me
    Need the end to set me free
    Things are not what they used to be
    Missing one inside of me
    Deathly lost, this can't be real
    Cannot stand this hell I feel
    Emptiness is filing me
    To the point of agony
    Growing darkness taking dawn
    I was me, but now He's gone
    No one but me can save myself, but it to late
    Now I can't think, think why I should even try
    Yesterday seems as though it never existed
    Death Greets me warm, now I will just say good-bye

  3. #3

    Odgovor: Apocalyptica


    I'm giving up the ghost of love
    In the shadows cast on devotion

    She is the one that I adore
    Creed of my silent suffocation

    Break this bittersweet spell on me
    Lost in the arms of destiny

    I won't give up
    I'm possessed by her

    I'm wearing a cross
    She's turning to my god

    Break this bittersweet spell on me
    Lost in the arms of destiny
    Break this bittersweet spell on me
    Lost in the arms of destiny

    I want you
    [I'm only wanting you]
    And I need you
    [I'm only needing you]

    Break this bittersweet spell on me
    Lost in the arms of destiny
    Break this bittersweet spell on me
    Lost in the arms of destiny


  4. #4

    Odgovor: Apocalyptica


    Hope is beauty, personified
    At her feet the world, hypnotized

    A million flashes, A million smiles
    And on the catwalk she flies in style

    * But in this heart of darkness
    * All hope lies lost and torn
    * All fame, like love is fleeting
    * When there's no hope anymore

    Pain and glory, hand in hand
    A Sacrifice, the highest price

    Like the poison in her arm
    Like a whisper she was gone
    Like when angels fall...

    * In this heart of darkness
    * All hope lies on the floor
    * Love like fame, is fleeting
    * When there's no hope anymore

    Like the poison in her arm
    Like a whisper she was gone

    Like an angel
    Angels fall...

  5. #5

    Odgovor: Apocalyptica


    There\'s something in the way, you\'re always somewhere else,
    Feelings have deserted me to a point of no return,
    I don\'t believe in God, but I\'ll pray for you.

    Don\'t you slip away from me, it\'s you I live for, don\'t you leave,
    No, don\'t you slip away from me, I\'m vulnerable to your love.

    There is something in the ?-way you\'re always somewhere else,
    Feelings have deserted me to a point of no return,
    So the light fades out and youre so close to losing.

    Don\'t you slip away from me, it\'s you I live for, dont you leave,
    No, don\'t you slip away from me , I\'m vulnerable to your love,
    Don\'t you slip away from me, it\'s you I live my life for. No don\'t leave.

    Don\'t you slip away from me, I\'m vulnerable to your love,
    Don\'t you slip away.

  6. #6

    Odgovor: Apocalyptica

    For Whom The Bell Tolls

    Make his fight on the hill in the early day
    Constant chill deep inside
    Shouting gun, on they run through the endless grey
    On the fight, for they are right, yes, by who's to say?
    For a hill men would kill, why? They do not know
    Suffered wounds test there their pride
    Men of five, still alive through the raging glow
    Gone insane from the pain that they surely know
    For whom the bell tolls
    Time marches on
    For whom the bell tolls
    Take a look to the sky just before you die
    It is the last time you will
    Blackened roar massive roar fills the crumbling sky
    Shattered goal fills his soul with a ruthless cry
    Stranger now, are his eyes, to this mystery
    He hears the silence so loud
    Crack of dawn, all is gone except the will to be
    Now the will see what will be, blinded eyes to see

  7. #7

    Odgovor: Apocalyptica

    From Out Of Nowhere

    Tossed into my mind, stirring the calm

    You splash me with beauty and pull me down

    `Cause you come from out of nowhere

    My glance turns to a stare

    Obsession rules me - I'm yours from the start

    I know you see me - Our eyes interlock

    `Cause you come from out of nowhere

    My glance turns to a stare

    One minute here and one minute there

    Don't know if I'll laugh or cry

    One minute here and one minute there

    And then you wave good-bye...

    Sifting to the bottom, every day for two

    All energy funnels, all becomes you

    `Cause you come from out of nowhere

    My glance turns to a stare

    One minute here and one minute there

    Don't know if I'll laugh or cry

    One minute here and one minute there

    And thats all inside

    One minute here and one minute there

    And then you wave good-bye...
    Poruku je izmenio DrinChe, 24.07.2007 u 13:50 Razlog: greska u copy-paste-iranju-uPs

  8. #8

    Odgovor: Apocalyptica

    My Friend of Misery

    You just stood there screaming
    fearing no one was listening to you
    they say the empty can rattles the most
    the sound of your voice must soothe you
    hearing only what you want to hear
    and knowing only what you've heard
    you you're smothered in tragedy
    you're out to save the world

    you insist that the weight of the world
    should be on your shoulders
    there's much more to life than what you see
    my friend of misery

    you still stood there screaming
    no one caring about these words you tell
    my friend before your voice is gone
    one man's fun is another's hell
    these times are sent to try men's souls
    but something's wrong with all you see
    you you'll take it on all yourself
    remember, misery loves company

    you insist that the weight of the world
    should be on your shoulders
    there's much more to life than what you see
    my friend of misery

    you just stood there creaming
    my friend of misery

  9. #9

    Odgovor: Apocalyptica

    Apocalyptica - Path

    I want to live in fire
    with all the taste I desire
    its all good if you let me dive
    with sharks on the ground

    you loose your routine
    you loose your routine
    you loose your routine
    cause I found my path

    what the hell are you trying
    now I know there is something more
    what happened to you
    still staying on my path
    are you still denying
    now I know there is something more
    that this is the truth
    its all in you

    what do you came for
    what did you expect to find
    what do you came for
    what did you expect to find
    what do you came for
    what did you expect to find
    what do you came for
    what did you expect to find

    so boundless I feel
    and boundless all my fears
    stop running back to old times

    you loose your routine
    cause I found my path

    what the hell are you trying
    now I know there is something more
    what happened to you
    still staying on my path
    are you still denying
    now I know there is something more
    that this is the truth
    its all in you

    what the hell are you trying
    now I know there is something more
    what happened to you
    still staying on my path
    are you still denying
    now I know there is something more
    that this is the truth
    its all in you
    nije dotakla ništa što bi moglo da boli
    njene ruke su bele kao led
    njene misli su čiste, ona misli da voli,ona veruje, veruje

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